The Golf Resort Review

Budget Bob: A right wing lefty
who savors the taste of a good value as much as his beloved Bud Light. While appreciative of the
finer things, he is more than willing to forgo any that come at a premium (unless he is trying to placate
10kk). Over priced dining is a particular pet peeve. "Food is only one component of a "fine
dining" experience. Your dining companions have as much influence on your enjoyment of the meal as the
food." BB is not cheap. He merely demands a high ROI. He provides an essential counter
balance to 10kk.
Buzz Kill: The second
lefty and least tenured member of the group. The group "auditioned" several fourths with
disappointing results before BK filled the bill. BK has a "glass is half empty" tinge to his
personality. While a fun and gracious person, he likes to point out negative nuances. He
is aware of this trait and asserts a conscious effort to control it. Alas, he has the DNA of a
10 Karat Kenny (10kk): An ostentatious
robber baron with the checking account of a coolie. The result of which is a relentless attack on
suggested retail pricing. "The list price is for everyone else. What is the my
price?" Three fourths of the group stay in the car while he manipulates unsuspecting desk clerks
like The Amazing Kreskin. We are banished to the car because a misplaced word or gesture could
unravel his work like a Family Dollar cardigan. 10kk is the culinary antagonist of Budget Bob. A
celebrity's name or "voted best" in the restaurant's description will immediately move it to the top of 10kk's
The Wiz: The moniker is derived
from the accusation of covertly influencing events in a Wizard of Oz like manner. An easy going
centrist with a case of champagne taste and beer budget syndrome. The primary scribe of this
