Golf resort reviews for the BestBuddyTrips



Reynolds Plantation

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 Reynolds Plantation golf review by the best golf blog


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Value:Reynolds Plantation golf review by




Greensboro, GA

Hotel: The Ritz-Carlton Lodge at Reynolds Plantation


Reynolds Plantation-Great Waters Course

Reynolds Plantation-Oconee Course 


Golf blog containing golf resort review and golf trip information for your golf resort vacation to a top golf resort.


Wiz: The hotel is a Ritz Carlton so, I believe nothing more needs to be said on that subject .  The courses and the staff are first rate.  Fore caddies are provided on all courses.  If you are not familiar with that type of caddy, it is someone who performs all of the standard caddy duties except carrying your golf bag.  He hops on to the back of your cart like a Bronx garbage man and rides to the ball.  This position was undoubtedly developed by someone with chronic back pain.

The hotel arranged a driver to take us to dinner in a Mercedes Benz S class.  

10kk: Actually, The Ritz Carlton had a nice Dodge van  to take guests around to the other parts of the resort.  The hotel is very expensive; however, Gaby's across the lake had a prix fixe menu during the week for $19 complete.  That was right in Budget Bob's wheel house.  That afternoon after a great round on The Great Waters course, I was talking with the bell men about night life etc.  As we were talking he was polishing the hood of a brand new 500S Class Mercedes parked in front of The Ritz Carlton.  I couldn't help asking if he was allowed to drive this beautiful Benz.  He said the car was the GMs for personal use, and sometimes for V.I.P. guests.  That was music to my ears...I convinced him that we were great tippers and would love to ride in the Benz instead of the nice Dodge van.  The bell man it turns out was an amateur race-car driver in Atlanta.  He worked at the Ritz Carlton to pay the bills but his passion was race cars.

Wiz: The ride to dinner was relaxing and refined.  However, after a plethora of cocktails, the return trip produced a bit more adrenaline.  Seated in the front passenger seat, 10kk was anxious for the 19 year old driver to demonstrate the capabilities of the German flagship.  Ritchie Cunningham was more than willing to oblige.  While seated three abreast in the back seat, the rest of the group had a bit more trepidation about this idea. 

10kk: As the huge German flagship left the restaurant, my double dose liquid courage was taking effect.  The driver and I picked up our conversation about his racing skills.  I began egging him on about how fast this German rocket would go.  We were on a damp, curvy two lane road with a Mario Andretti want-a-be.

Wiz: Ritchie mashed the throttle and began tossing us about like loose change in the dryer as we hurled down the twisting two lane secondary road at speeds approaching the century mark.  As the serene trip evolved into a maniacal bobsled run, a certain urgency to find the seat belts developed in the previously unrestrained passengers Surprised that the old dude in the passenger seat would encourage him to drive a $90,000 vehicle like a maniac, Ritchie proceeded to channel Jackie Stewart.  Ritchie was unaware of the handling limits of the S class and proceeded to exceed them on a particularly sharp turn.  As the screeching tires began to indicate impending death and the back of the car tried to aggressively pass the front, German engineering or the hand of God intervened and delivered a reprieve from a date with the Georgia pines.  The remainder of the drive was completed at 25mph with a barrage of castigation from the back seat aimed at 10kk.

10kk: Real Panic set in from the back seat as certain death approached.   Buzz Kill and Budget Bob; fearing for their lives, were literately tying the seat belts together bracing for impact.  The thrill of death still lingers with us today.

My favorite part of this golf trip wasn't the unbelievable spa, the near perfect rooms at The Ritz Carlton, the perfectly manicured fairways or even the 7 course tasting menu at the Linger Longer Steakhouse.  All of those things were great but, cheating death on the back roads of Georgia in one of the fastest production cars on the planet tops the list.

Wiz: Overall, an incredible resort and golf experience-highly recommended.  Also reccommended-the Dodge van for your trip to Gaby's.


Golf blog containing golf resort review and golf trip information for your golf resort vacation to a top golf resort.


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